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World Earth Day: conference by the city of science on April 22nd

(TFS) - On the occasion of World Earth Day, the City of Science is organizing, on Sunday, April 22, a conference that will take place the auditorium El Khwarizmi starting 0:30 am.
The awareness-raising conference will be presented by seven different professors and doctors, according to the various topics that will be dealt with.

The program


·         1030am Biofuels: A Promising Alternative by Dr. Hana Gannoun
·         11am  Influences of Plastics on Human Health and Environmental Pollution by Prof. Dorra GHORBEL
·         1130am Composting and Valorisation of Organic Waste by Prof. Khaled SASSI and Prof. Ibrahim EL-AKRAM ZNAÏDI
·         1215 Our seeds in danger! by Mrs. Nada Trigui and Mr. AbdelhamidAmami and Mrs. Rim MATHLOUTH

Scientific Workshops

·         1030am Fossils: A Time Tool (From the age of 8)
·         1115am  The Animals in Box (From the age of 8)
·         1200 How to make a biodegradable plastic? (From the age of 12)

Plays Ibn Khaldoun Auditorium

·         Wastes: Sources of health by Mrs. Leila BRARI

An international event, which is celebrated across the world, aims to sensitize the international community to the endangerment of our planet Earth.

Global warming, greenhouse effect, rising water levels, melting glaciers of both North and South poles, increased deforestation, destruction of biodiversity and extinction of several animal and plant species, desertification are the direct consequences of the overexploitation and overconsumption of land resources by mankind (water, wood, energy, agricultural products, etc.).

The report is overwhelming since the degradation can be irreversible and with disastrous consequences. Scientists speak today of anthropization, that is to say the transformation of spaces, landscapes, ecosystems or natural environments under the action of men.

Free admission is inclusive to lectures and plays

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